
四月中小编在上海参加了CMEF (China medical equipment fair). 期间我的French boss没有认出他的客户,并对我说,that's not so professional, uhh??
我:It's ok ,周凯旋 it happens. when I was a child, I couldn't tell the difference of westerners.
(意思是我现在成长了mc小山羊 ,能分清楚了,hoho)
F: yeah , like all the Chinese girls look the same to me. I know you are you because you've got freckles.
我:巴特尔道尔吉 王留美 。。。( 能认得我因为我有雀斑 刘可雯 ,我还安慰他来着音诗练习曲 。张彩苑。。给他一个白眼)说孙季卿 , well,i hate it !
F:You don't have to. You look international with it because lots of western girls have it.
F:and you also look younger with it . cuz lot of western teenagers have it.
F : but why can't I see it them in your pictures?
我的French boss 是不是还蛮可爱的泰星mai,真是conversation killer...

While some women cover their faces with thick layers of foundation to cover up natural freckles, others are apparently getting them tattooed. Yup, freckles are in, and some people would even go under the needle to get them.
layer 层/foundation 粉底/freckle 雀斑 / in 流行的

Freckle tattooing is reportedly one of the fastest growing beauty treatments available today. It involves the use of pigments to ink freckle-like dots onto a person’s face that eventually blend in with the client’s skin tone. As with any tattoo, there is some inevitable swelling, but it subsides after a few months, and the initial dark coloring of the freckles fades to a light brown.
pigment 色素 染料/blend 混合/inevitable 不可避免的/ swell 肿胀/ subside 消退据报道,雀斑刺青是如今发展最迅速的美容治疗项目之一。雀斑刺青就是用染料将雀斑状的小点纹到一个人的脸上,这些小斑点最终会和客户的肤色融为一体。和其他刺青一样,创伤处的红肿是不可避免的,但几个月后就会消退,最初纹的深黑色也会渐渐变成浅褐色。
It’s unclear when exactly freckle tattooing started, but Montreal-based cosmetic tattoo artist Gabrielle Rainbow is considered one of the pioneers who spearheaded the beauty trend. She says she was inspired by a friend who had become tired of constantly having to paint them on her face with makeup. Rainbow first experimented on herself, although she doesn’t recommend tattooing your own face, and after seeing that the effect was very realistic, she decided to tattoo her friend as well.
spearhead 带头不知道雀斑刺青是什么时候兴起来的,但是现在居住在加拿大蒙特利尔的美容纹身技师加布里埃尔?雷恩博被认为是引领这一美容潮流的先驱之一。她表示,她是受一位疲于画雀斑妆的朋友的启发。雷恩博先在自己脸上做了试验,尽管她不推荐在脸上做刺青,但是看到效果很逼真,她决定在她朋友脸上也纹上雀斑。

Depending on the artist and the size of the freckled area何佩琪 , the price of a tattooing session starts at $500.根据技师的价位和雀斑区大小不同,一次雀斑刺青的起价约为500美元(合3449元人民币)伍钰盛。
“Even if this is ‘semipermanent,’ there are risks, such as technicians who will go too deep or not use the proper inks,” the tattoo artist said.雷恩博说:“就算这个刺青是‘半永久’的,也是存在风险的,比如技师可能针扎得太深,或者没有用合适的染料。”
好吧,心里平衡了点通信兵之歌 ,毕竟省了500刀呢